My Media Music magazine targets and represents specific social groups in several ways. Above is a print screen of my summary of this created in Word Document stating how price, name, contents and colour in my magazine represent a particular social group.
My magazine overall represents the social group of teenagers who have an interest in music but don't want to pay too much for it as the majority would be at school and would be needing to save their money. This is why I decided on the price of it being £1.20, seeing as my questionnaire results showed me that a large percentage of the 20 people I asked voted for the price range of £1.01-£.150. Also, already existing magazines out there on the market are priced between £.1.50 and £4.00 so by doing this I would be making my magazine look more appealing to its audience by being cheaper than others. Also, with the price of £1.20, if any other people outside the age group of 16- 21 liked the magazine such as younger people, the price wouldn't put them off. This way my magazine is appealing to a larger net of social groups.
The name of the magazine also appeals to a large social group as it is shortened from it's original name of 'British Music Magazine' to BMM. Already existing magazines such as NME have done this as well and this makes the magazine appeal more to the younger audience if the title is abbreviated as it has more impact. However, the name of it being British Music Magazine also gives it a very patriarchal sense to it, which would obviously appeal to a very large net of social groups.
The contents of my music magazine also appeals to large social groups but specifically, the younger teenage one of age range of 16- 21, as I have ensured that the main story line was first stated as 'exclusive'. I know from personal experience that this text immediately draws someone of my age in. The quote that I pulled out from the text to put on the front cover as well is quite out of context and would make the reader my age make assumptions about what's going on, so would then read on for more of the gossip. Gossip is also something that people my age are keen on in music magazines, as I also found out in my questionnaire.
In my questionnaire I also found that overall from my sample of participants, females read music magazines more than males do. Therefore I designed my magazine to represent the female gender more, using colours that my questionnaire results showed they liked etc. In this way my magazine appeals to the female gender more. However, I made sure not to make the front cover too stereotypically 'girly' by not using very bold pinks etc so that boys wouldn't be immediately repelled by it.
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