Saturday, 17 April 2010

Analysis of front cover 4.



The fact that the model has been shot in natural, key light could also emphasise his story about how even though he is now married (as shown my his body language and hand shown) he is still present out on the streets and should not be forgotten and still be taken seriously.

The artist in the middle is also partially making eye contact with the reader which makes the reader feel involved with the magazine, but yet at the same time has his shades on (prop) so is ensuring that he is seen as different, and perhaps even more superior to the reader. This could have a positive effect, and make the reader feel in awe of him, therefore making them want to purchase the magazine.

The overall body language (mise en scene) of the music artist such as his shades (prop) and his head cocked to one side is quite confident suggesting perhaps that he at the moment is the most popular artist.

The word ‘ swagger’ is also displayed in a more bold type font compared to the rest of the font on the cover. It’s almost in a graffiti style which could again relate to the kind of target audience the magazine is aiming at. Graffiti is typically associated with lower class citizens, who may sometimes use music as an outlet for their emotions. Therefore, the use of this font may appeal to the reader more.

The casual slang word ‘ swagger’ suggests the target audience of the magazine, as this is generally seen to be used by teenagers. The way it is situated across the page at a slanted angle also suggests a more laid back tone to the magazine. This links to the kind of attitude that teenagers have. The fact that it’s also been chosen to be displayed in red connotates danger and confidence, that most teenagers possess.

The overall use of blues and yellows in the font types in this magazine could also prompt to the reader a seasonal theme of summer due to blue connotating good weather and calm seas, with yellow connotating to some people sun and sand whilst on holiday. This could also emphasise the link between the sex element and girls on a beach.

The alliteration of ‘sex scandals’ is used to make the reader remember this topic line better. The fact that it is highlighted in yellow also draws attention to it. The yellow could also connotate an alarm, which again brings it a sense of urgency to it and implies it needs to be read.

Uses an intertextual reference to another piece of media such as the popular site of YouTube. The target audience can perhaps relate to this and be more likely to pick up the magazine.

A more in depth analysis of this front cover is included in my folder :).

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