Saturday, 17 April 2010

Copying a famous magazine

As a task, me and my school colleagues were asked to copy an already existing music magazine. In a way this was still research for me as copying it allowed me to look more closely at how the page was laid out. It was also good experience in terms of using computer programs such as Adobe Photoshop as I am not very familiar with the program! It took a lot of time getting around it and learning how to do specific things but overall I think it was good practice for when I come to do my production piece :). The photoshoot for this task was also good because it made me think about lighting and facial expression when copying another photo. I then also used photoshop to edit the photo such as giving myself brown eyes! One thing I realised when copying this magazine was that although it is a music magazine, the main image on the front cover does not always have link directly or at all to music. It could just be a music artist and nothing else. Overall I really enjoyed this task, and although the editing of it was very time consuming, I think it was worth doing as it will really help me when I come to do my own piece :). To the right is the final outcome of the task.

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